Living Word Uganda is an evangelical non-denominational initiative born out of the commitment to serving Christian university students by equipping them with tools and skills for faithful Bible handling and teaching. 

We believe that when clearly taught, God’s Word, by God’s power, is alive and active to radically change lives. We long to see God’s Word faithfully taught across Uganda, trusting God that then His gospel will be received not simply with words, but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction.

Celebrating ten years
of our existence

Our Ministry Programs

Apprentice Student Ministry

We equip gifted men and women in faithful Bible teaching and gospel proclamation while serving under the mentorship of a local pastor and the congregation.

Rooted Student Ministry

We equip students with tools for faithful Bible handling through national and regional conferences and seminars, as well as campus Bible studies.

Equip The Church

We equip pastors and lay people in exegesis, hermeneutics and expository preaching through periodic pastors’ gatherings and local church seminars.

At His Feet Women's Ministry

We equip and encourage women to study God’s word faithfully in order to grow in godliness and fruitfulness.

Professionals Ministry Training

Professionals Ministry Training (PMT) is a program designed to equip committed and gifted members of the local church with the necessary skills and tools to effectively handle the Bible for ministry. 

Book Distribution Ministry

We avail authentic Christian literature, provide library space for study, and publish Biblical material for the Church.

Our Staff Team

Ministry Updates

Book of the Week

Book of the Week! The Dignity Revolution by Daniel Darling Reclaiming God’s rich vision for humanity. Get it now for just 7,000/-! Call 0774-363623 to order. 

Apprentice Ministry Training

Yesterday, William taught on the character of a preacher at AMT. Today, our preaching groups are diving into the book of 2 Timothy, putting what we’ve learned into practice.

Upcoming Events

Mark the following dates on your calendar.