Martin is 34 years old and enjoys interacting with people. He was raised in an Anglican background, but was pursuing things that did not satisfy until 2012, when at university, he realized his need for a Savior and was saved. Today, Martin is a growing believer and is always eager to both hear, and learn from, good Bible teaching. Martin currently attends Ebenezer Chapel where he serves in the children’s church.

Martin desires to grow in the knowledge of the Word of God as a true Christian, delighting in the Word, understanding, and practising it in all places. He finds it so necessary and helpful for personal consistency in Bible reading and study.

Because Martin is passionate about biblical counselling, he looks forward through AMT to learn more on understanding Bible context, how to study the Bible, teach or share the gospel, and to faithfully handle different texts or books of the Bible. He also hopes to apply biblical knowledge in his volunteer ministry work as well as using the biblical worldview better in counselling.