Shallone is 39 years old and is married to Rev. Aaron Batte. Together they have 4 children, two daughters and two sons, the oldest being in S1 and the youngest beginning baby class this year. Shallone holds two Master’s degrees and lectures part-time at Kyambogo University.

In 2005, Shallone developed a nerve complication and no doctor could identify the disease. She decided to go to a church where she was prayed for and was healed. From that point, she was drawn to Christ and what it really meant to be a Christian, placing her faith in Christ for salvation. She has continued to grow as a Christian by reading the Bible and attending fellowships.

She is involved in her church (St. James Chapel at MUBS) through counselling university girls and young married ladies, organising women conferences, and by encouraging Christian women in the Lord.

Through the AMT program, Shallone desires to understand her faith deeply and to learn more about Bible interpretation, and preaching the Word of God to fellow Christians in her circles of influence.