Isaac Twebaze

Isaac is 29 years old. He is married to Stella and they have a daughter.

Isaac is the 4th born of six children (though one brother has died). He grew up attending various Pentecostal churches and fellowships. He was first convicted of his sins and his need for salvation when he was in Primary 2 after watching a Jesus movie but it was when he was in SS that Isaac truly understood the gospel and gave his life to Christ.

After hearing Rev. Rodgers Atwebembeire teach at a Living Word Uganda National students conference in 2018, Isaac began to discern that some doctrines often found in Pentecostal churches (most particularly found or characterized by the prosperity gospel and word of faith movement) are not biblical. He and his wife now attend Calvary Chapel Kampala.

By engaging in the AMT program, Isaac hopes to know the living God more and to serve Him in various capacities. He also hopes to learn how to faithfully preach God’s word. Isaac is passionate about faithful bible handling.