Golden Fredrick Nuwamanya

Golden is a young man who comes from a family of 5 of which he is the 2nd born. He is 23 years old.

Golden had some Christian influence early on, and in 2013, after hearing a particular sermon, he was convicted of his need to accept Jesus as his Saviour.

He attends Zanta Community Church where he has been greatly helped in spiritual growth, especially through the pastor’s teaching and modelling of love and care for others. Golden enjoys serving in his local church through the choir among other ministries.

Understanding that he is young and has a lot of growing to do, especially if he is to be fit for church leadership, Golden looks forward to all that he will learn in AMT, particularly in Bible knowledge and how to teach/preach. He also wants to be able to articulate the gospel more clearly so that he ca n share it with those in need of a Saviour. He is also passionate about football.