Rooted Student Ministry

In these postmodern times, this generation is so spiritual but one wonders if the spirituality matches with the scriptures, there is little thinking scripturally- thinking with a mind of Christ among the student fraternity. The bible although mostly owned by every student still remains the most unread and misunderstood book in our universities and colleges today- this accounts for higher biblical illiteracy in our time.
With this, Students at universities remain with unresolved questions intensified with the modern culture, there are questions of identity (who am I?) – questions of the meaning of things? Or questions about reality? Questions of belonging – whom should I be with and love? And, in the light of the above answers, what should I do with my life (Looking ahead).
Universities and colleges create environments that encourage students to rethink the beliefs of their upbringing, including their meaning in life, values, and identity. The university remains a place of the free market of ideas and the discussions that follow on inside and outside the lecture room they are not value-neutral exchanges, but rather places of persuasion where students debate and accept differing explanations of the good or the bad, the true and false, and the beautiful and ugly- this definitely forms a pattern of thinking that will inform their lives and shape the societies in which they live.
The exchange of ideas does not only take place face to face but there is an increasing flow of information through the advent of technology, therefore it is a prerequisite of any ministry to use the opportunities that come with it and devise the strategy of employing it for the glory of God
Because students are uniquely open to new ideas and strategically positioned to be shaped for the next course of their lives as they move from home and family to the independence of adulthood, Students need models in the church (chaplaincies) to offer biblical guidance and support as they journey through campus.
What we do
It is in this context that, Living Word Uganda comes to promote faithful bible teaching to the students, on how to handle scriptures correctly so that they understand the mind of God and act as channels to reach their fellow students with the same biblical convictions. As the students study the scriptures rigorously, they build convictions that God is speaking and working in the world today. Therefore: –
- We Promote among students the earnest reading, studying, and meditation on God’s Word and other biblical literature to shape the Christian world view for wholesome life engagement
- We challenge students to become committed disciples of Jesus Christ and establish such converts in their (spiritual) walk with Jesus Christ as faithful Christians.
- We encourage and assist students in witnessing Jesus Christ to others with the underlying objective of such individuals making a commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
- We encourage as we explain the need and necessity of responsible church membership among the local community of believers where they are edified and where faith is propagated.
- We model faithful Bible expositions, showing accurately that the bible is the inerrant, authoritative, and infallible word of God
Why we do what we do
Our ministry among students is aimed at;
- Building character in the students – conformed to Christlikeness
- Hold strong biblical convictions that they will engage with the Christian worldview – students with a rich, biblically faithful grasp of the gospel
- Competence – rightly handling the word of God and possessing a deepening knowledge of the context where they serve – students who are able to observe, listen to fellow students and be ready to communicate the gospel.
How we do what we do
1. Partnership
We are work with Bible teaching para churches organizations like FOCUS Uganda, ACFAR, Life Ministry, and other like-minded organizations. We join hands and work with these organizations in achieving our shared value of discipling students. With a conviction that the student work is too big a task to be accomplished by one organization.
2. Rooted Campus Bible Study
Students gather in small groups with guidance from trained staff or volunteers weekly to dig deeper into the word of God. The Campus Bible Study is aimed at getting student leaders to study through books of the bible and equipping them to be able to do the same to other students, as Paul says in 2 Timothy2:2 “And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. Rooted offers a real opportunity for growth to leaders as they study and understand their Bibles” These Bible studies are currently taking place at Makerere University. They will start soon at Makerere University Business School and Mulago School of Nursing.
If you would like to start Rooted on your university campus get in touch with us at
3. Alive & Active National Conference, Area bible seminars, and Regional Conference
With the help of students, Partners, and volunteers, we mobilize students to come together to learn from biblically faithful preachers/teachers, who teach faithfully with clarity and relevance. These demonstrate to student’s faithful bible handling, they show students how the Bible speaks to current issues in the society like politics, social concerns, and much more, they show how the bible answers their questions and challenges in their spiritual walk. This is done through;
Alive and Active national Students Conference
This is a 5-day residential university student leaders conference in partnership with FOCUS Uganda, ACFAR, and other like-minded organizations. We gather about 200 university student leaders from around Uganda and beyond every other year for a week of teaching to acquaint them with the Bible and the basics of expository preaching. Reputable and faithful church leaders and student workers serve as facilitators and speakers.
click here for the previous conference Video, See the photo gallery here.
Alive and active area Bible seminars
- In a year where we have the alive and active national conference, we carry out a one-day seminar in different regions of the country. This seminar aims at three things;
- Follow up: We hope to meet up with some of the students from the previous conferences for mutual encouragement in the gospel and fellowship
- Tester seminar: We choose one bible book and model faithful bible handling, preaching, and bible studies. We hope this can whet their appetite for more training. These seminars also serve as refresher training for old-timers.
- Building relationships: We hope to interact more closely with student Leaders, Patrons, and Chaplains of different institutions to strengthen our relationships with them and strike new friendships with others.
Alive and active regional conference
Since we have the alive and active national conference every other year, in between we have Regional Conferences. This is 3 days residential student leader’s conference where we gather about 150 student leaders per region. (The same approach used in the Alive and Active National students’ conference is used for the regional conferences)
Research among students.
We think it helps to understand emerging generations of young people in Uganda so that we enrich the evangelical dialogue and support sound decision-making for the church and student workers in Uganda.
Our aim is to inform the interested churches and organizations about the issues, attitudes, and trends shaping the student and student work in Uganda and discover how to best equip them to grow in understanding scriptures, in the obedience of faith, and how in turn share their faith. we carry out research among the teens and university students to learn more about their worldview, especially surrounding Christianity, religion, and culture.
The research publication will provide a credible, readable forum for critical reflection on student work for effective Christian mission among students. Living Word Uganda envisions creating an information hub on students and student work in the country.
In order to be a credible student ministry at the national and regional level, Living Word Uganda is building capacity to a leader in student research, data generation, and dissemination. This involves but not be limited to; coordinate member’s research activities and with the emphasis on learning, sharing available information relevant to students and how the gospel can be preached and propagated among them, Publishing and availing regular information to members and other stakeholders for informed decision making.