At this – our 3rd pastors Conference –, the Lord willing, we will once again meet pastors, and all who are committed to Bible teaching ministry. We aim as always to model faithful bible handling, bringing lectures that will both equip and feed us to increase our confidence in God’s word.
2024 focus
Last year, our focus was on “Handling Bible Epistles”. The focus for 2024 will be “Prophetic literature”. How can we as bible handlers study and teach prophecy in a faithful manner? But why prophetic literature?
- Prophetic literature is a rare genre on our church pulpits (deliberately or not). Therefore how do we increase confidence and encourage this genre on the pulpits?
- Secondly, many people find it a difficult genre to study so as to discover its meaning and application for us today. What tools can be at our fingertips to handle this genre?
- Thirdly our culture is preoccupied with “prophecy” mainly defined as the ability to tell the future. But is this all that the bible has to say about prophecy? How does the bible define prophecy?
In addition to this, we shall have two sessions on the sufficiency of Christ worked out from the book of Colossians.
The program includes:
- Lectures on Prophetic Literature demonstrated from the book of Joel and the Sufficiency of Christ by Nigel Styles, the Director of the Proclamation Trust (UK).
- Word work groups, where participants will give a short sermon focusing on how to get a big idea and the aim of passage from the book of Amos. They will then receive constructive feedback from their fellow participants.
- Panel discussion focussing on church ministry.
- Devotional sermons to nourish, encourage, and model expository preaching from the book of Zephaniah.
- Those who register before November 31st will pay 100,000 Uganda shillings
- Those who register after the deadline will contribute 120,000 Uganda shillings. The conference will run for three full days from 3rd to 5th January 2023.
This will cater for meals, and printed booklets with notes. The conference is non-residential and we shall be Eureka Hotel –Ntinda