Living Word International is our partner organisation in the UK. Our relationship is described in a partnership agreement that describes how we work together. With other like minded organisations across the world we are part of a family or network all with the same ministry aims to the glory of God.

  1. To develop among students:
  • A greater appreciation of the benefits of faithful exegesis and expository preaching.
  • A greater appetite for training in the skills of faithful exegesis and expository preaching.
  • An atmosphere in which gifted students are encouraged and supported to pursue such training.
  1. To equip students with the principles of faithful biblical exegesis and exposition, in order that God may be glorified in their own contexts as they:
  •  Feed personally from God’s living word.
  • Teach and preach the word of God faithfully to others.
  • Correct and rebuke error where necessary.
  • Teach others these principles and encourage further training in their understanding and application.
  1. Unite like-minded individuals and organizations committed to the faithful exegesis and exposition of God’s word so that:
  •  Such individuals and organizations are strengthened and kept accountable by each other in their work.
  • A more co-ordinated approach among those involved is developed in this great task.
  • Amongst such people, Christ’s love is manifested across denominational, geographical, tribal and other boundaries.
  1. To support new initiatives across the world through partnership agreements between LWI and like minded local indigenous organisations with the purpose of furthering the first three aims.
  2. To intentionally evolve and develop the work so that the first four aims are maintained with long term and local sustainability.
  3. In our implementation of all the above aims, to be committed to personal and corporate obedience to the Word of God, so that by God’s grace, we bear the fruit of transformed Christ-like lives in ourselves and encourage such Christ-likeness in others.

*Note that “students” refers to any Bible student linked to any training event or programme, not just people of student age.

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Focus Uganda

FOCUS is a community of Christian Union students and graduates who are committed to being partners in National and global witness. FOCUS training secretaries across the country have been key partners of the work of LWU. They serve as our as small group facilitators and chief mobilisers for all our student training events annually.

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ACFAR responds to the challenge of cults and aberrant Christian movements. ACFAR is providing Christians with the resources and training they need to effectively defend their faith and reach out to the lost with the gospel. Their website as well as publications have served as eye openers for the students we meet asking various questions on cults and heretic groups.

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The Johannesburg Bible College (JBC) is an interdenominational college offering men and women practical training in understanding and teaching the Bible through classroom based courses.

JBC offers a year of training in which to:

  • Strengthen your faith and joy in the Lord
  • Deepen your understanding of the Bible
  • Develop your practical skills in communicating the Bible
  • Enable you to apply the Bible to different aspects of life today
  • Build good friendships with a variety of Christians

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Over the months we have been grateful for the generosity of 10ofthose in providing us with books that we can pass on to our students.

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GoodBook Company

We have been working very closely with TGBC to provide books and other study materials at an affordable price for the Ugandan church.

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iServe Africa

These are like minded brothers and sisters in Kenya serving the Kenyan church through equipping in faithful bible training. iServe runs an apprenticeship program in Kenya similar to our LWU

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Langham Preaching

Langham is strategically focused to biblically equip the global church, raising up leaders of leaders in more than 90 nations.

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